Registration - Outside Plant OSP / Inside Plant (ISP): A Communication Project Quality Approach

Outside Plant (OSP) /  Inside Plant (ISP):

A Communication Project Quality Approach

When: February 1, 2019
Time: 12:00 PM To 5:00 PM
Where: 63  Hotel Suites, Al Olaya, Riyadh, KSA
Contact Email/s: /
Fees: Members Only [130 SAR], For Non-Members [150 SAR]

The word communication comes from the Latin word communis, which means common. When we communicate, we are trying to establish “commonness” with someone. That is, we are trying to share information, an idea, or an attitude among the team involved in that particular project.

One can never take for granted that the receiver will interpret the message the same way as the sender intended it. Communication is not an absolute, finite thing. To do this effectively, the project manager needs to consider all the factors like the different realities, the space the communication takes place in, verbal as well as non-verbal messages, and the intended meaning versus the perceived meaning, etc.

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